![Photo: Promotion for September 2013..
Grab it while stock lasts...you may share with your friends and family to get this awesome offer!! Hurry! Hurry!
You may use my Shaklee ID (954304) Faizatul Khasanah Sugeng to purchase. Please email or whatsapp for any inquiry to lovemyvitamin@gmail.com or 0133417989 for more info.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1235021_1413470688869014_2053277230_n.jpg)
CoQ Health Plus
"CoQHealth™ Plus features an all natural proprietary blend of 28mg CoQ10 plus Vitamin E and Green Tea extract that may support the energy production in the heart. Shaklee uses yeast fermentation method to provide bioavailable and high quality CoQ10. The Soy Bean Oil Delivery System in Shaklee CoQHealthTM Plus capsule is designed to ensure maximum dissolution for optimum absorption."
What can CoQ Health Plus do for you?
1) support energy production in the heart
2) promote and protect healthy arteries against LDL oxidation
3) improve blood circulation
4) help to replenish and maintain CoQ10 levels in the blood
Do you know that to get the same 28mg of CoQ10 in CoQ Health Plus, you would need to eat nearly 1.7kg of chicken or 28 cups of broccolli??? So, what are you waiting for? Grab one now for and for your love ones.
Please email/sms/whatsapp for any inquiry.
Faizatul Khasanah Sugeng
Shaklee ID : 954304
Email : lovemyvitamin@gmail.com
Sms/whatsapp : 0133417989
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.If pregnant, nursing or taking blood pressure medication, consult your pharmacist or physician prior to use.
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